To submit your artwork and artist statement for your own page on JPAA website:
All dues-paying JPAA members are entitled to their own page with 4 images on our website.
Please send an email to with the subject heading: Last Name - JPAA website ( example: McCusker-JPAA Website )
1. Your Name as you would like it to appear
2. Your Artist Website URL (if you want a link to your website on your page) or a link to your email
3. An artist statement (please spell check!)
4. Up to four images of your artwork. These will be displayed in a slideshow format on your page.
NOTE: About the slideshow: it is most successful at displaying square images. Second best are vertical images.
Your Images must be sent in jpeg form - SIZE UP TO 1 MB - ideally 72 dpi - (if uncertain about size please just send and you will be contacted if there is a problem)
Label the jpegs as follows:
Yourlastname1 Image #1 is your primary image that will be seen on Meet JPAA Artists page and will link to your personal page
Send your material to
The JPAA Steering Committee Welcomes your participation. In fact, we can't grow and be innovative without your help!
Steering Committee Members: Suzanne Hoffman, Jamie Kendrioski, Cynthia Kollios, and Fiona O'Connor
MEMBERS: To renew your membership or pay a hanging fee, use the form on Join JPAA
Get Involved in JPAA
Contact these current members to join a committee and learn how you can become more engaged in the JPAA community
Steering Committee
Technical Questions Answered
Contact these current members to get your technical questions answered on a variety of topics:
Google Group: Jessica Burko,
Website: Jamie Kendrioski,
Membership and Dues: Nancy Nichols,
Participation Information for JPAA Member Exhibitions and Events
This section is currently being updated... stay tuned to learn about member opportunities!
JPAA Member Benefits
Your own artist page on the JPAA website with a link to your website and email.
Opportunities to show in member-only exhibitions.
Invitations to member-only critiques, art demos, and networking evenings.
The opportunity for cross-discipline collaboration.
Access to announcements and calls via JPAA's private Google Group.
Membership in a vibrant, inclusive and growing community of artists committed to JP and beyond.